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Sustainable Development Projects

The following highlight the range and diversity of projects managed by DBCS:

2010 - Gartley Point Hatchery (in progress)

Proposed subdivision, Rezoning and Crown Land Referal for a Licence of Occupation to accomodate
a expansion of a Shellfish Hatchery

 A) Land consolidation to expand to a 3 acre aquaculture hatchery lot.

 B) rezone to new Upland shellfish facility

 C) Foreshore License of Occupation LOO

 D) Sustainable concepts introduced.

dan bowen consulting services

Gartley Point Hatchery - Site Plan PDF

2009 - 2010 Gowlland Harbour Views (in progress)

Parent lot size 158 acres
   - Proposed 48 lots
   - ALR 15 acres
   - Park dedication 30 acres
   - Conservation covenant 50 acres
   - Trails dedicated over 6000 feet
   - Green and sustainable 50% of parent property 


2009 - 2010 Harbour View Landings Inc. (in progress)

Parent Lot  24 acres
    - Proposed 17 - 1/2 acre  lots
    - Remainder, proposed multi-family condominum approx. 200 units
    - Park dedication 5%, (to be determined ?)
    - Conservation covenants/greenspace over 50% (to be determined ?)
    - Trail over 3000 feet

2007 - 2008 Mountain Spirit Garden Estates (completed)

Parent lot 48 acres
   - Created 6 - 5 to10 acre lots
   - Park dedication 9 acres
   - Vegetative management covenant area 20 acres
   - Trails dedicated over 3000 feet through park
   - Green and sustainable 60%    



2006 - 2007 Views of Forbidden Plateau (completed)

Parent lot 80 acres
    - Created 11- 5 acre lots
    - Park dedication 18 acres
    - RAR Covenant area 2 acres
    - Trail link created 1000 feet through park
    - Green and sustainable 25%




2005 - 2006 Kincora Ridge (completed)
    Parent lot 24 acres
    - Created 11- 2 to 5 acre lots
    - Park dedication by cash in lieu 5%
    - Covenants creating greenspace 3 acres
    - Trail linkages over 1000 feet
    - Greenspace and sustainable 10 % plus cash in lieu



2004 - 2005 Oyster River

2003 -2004 Eagleview Estates

2003 - 2004 Trent River - Phase 1

2003 - 2004 Salmon Run

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